Assistant Professor in Education

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Name: Dr. Alex George
Date of Birth : 29th May 1984
Gender : Male
Father’s Name : George
Religion: Christian (Roman Catholic)
Parish : St. Michaels Church Palayam
Marital Status : Married
Permanent Address : Kavukattu,
Padinjattinkara P.O,
Kottayam (Dt.)
Kerala – India. Pin-686 571
Ph.04822-252627 Mob.09447599631
E-mail ID : kavukattugalex@gmail.com
Website: http://www.alexgkavukattu.com
Blog : alexgkavukattu.blogspot.com
Official Address: Assistant Professor of Education,
St. Thomas College of Teacher Education, Pala, Pala P.O, 686575